Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bloggers too will have their day!

It is International Webloggers' Day or InWeDay 29 days from now. On 14th June, 2008, bloggers from different countries will unite to celebrate the fourth such event.

Why is that?
Apart from revolutionizing the widely-known Valentine's day, Women's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Family Day, the greeting card industry has been making earnest efforts to popularize days like Teddy Day, Kiss Day, Hug Day, Promise Day, Naked Day (yeah, there's this one too!), Cheese Pizza day, No Diet Day, Nutty Fudge Day, Freud Day, Wife Appreciation Day, Hug Your Cat Day, Hiccup Day, and many more.** Should it be a surprise then if bloggers decide to celebrate a day of their own?

What is it?
The declaration of a day for bloggers is a way to recognize the importance and relevance of blogging in the current times. Lately, I have been engaged in discussions and arguments over the responsibility of media, the Fourth Estate in everyone's life and in everyday governance. All those discussions have pointed to the fact that a Fifth Estate has to rise to keep an eye on the Fourth Estate, at the same time hoping that there will never be a need for a sixth one. In his book, Watching the Watchdog, Stephen D Cooper, declares the blogging community to be the Fifth Estate.

How did it start?
A need to unite the blogging community was in the offing and it all started in 2004 with Rio Akasaka's webpage declaring 9th June as the Bloggers' Day. Later, 14th June was chosen as the International Webloggers' Day (InWeDay).

What do I do?
Participate. If you want bloggers from different countries, with diverse cultures and interests to unite and share a common platform, join the community.
International Weblogger's Day 2008
Every year, bloggers participate in the event by meeting up at a pre-decided place or writing blogs posts on the current theme. This year's theme is Change. Make a blog entry on this topic on the International Bloggers' Day . There is also an award for the best relevant post.

**In case you are curious about the Days in our world, check this out.

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